Content writer vetting & skills assessment

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Do you know your writers' actual levels?

Figuring out whether the content produced by a writer is objectively good or bad can be tricky. But don't worry.

Our writer vetting and skills assessment services will eliminate subjective bias in your hiring decisions and give you a realistic idea of your writers' abilities.

What we do

Writer vetting

If you hire someone who lacks the necessary skills and experience, their low-quality content could turn off potential clients, and you could miss out on leads.

With our content writer screening services, you can rest assured you will recruit the best fit for the content writer position.

  • We look at the CVs and portfolios of shortlisted applicants to see what content writing skills they bring to the table.
  • We look at the applicants’ test assignments to get a sense of how they work in action.
  • We review their first assignment for your company to see if their writing style matches your needs.
  • We have a video call together with your recruiters to get a better idea of who the writers are and how they work.

Writer skills assessment

If you know the strengths and weaknesses of your writers, you can adjust your processes to their actual skills and give them the support they need to improve.

As part of our content writer evaluation services:

  • We determine the seniority levels of your content writers and tell you what kinds of tasks they can handle.
  • We identify key areas where your content writers are killing it and where they can improve.
  • We give you advice on how to improve your content creation process so your writers can produce high-quality content.

You need these services if

  • You're looking for a top-notch content writer for your marketing team but need help finding the most qualified candidates.
  • You suspect something is wrong with the content your writers are producing, but you can't pinpoint the problem.
  • You want to improve the quality of your content by streamlining the content creation process to meet your writers' needs better.

What we assess

Language & style

Does a writer use natural-sounding sentences?
What is their grammar proficiency?
Is their vocabulary sufficient for article writing or blog writing on your topics?

Structure & coherence

Does a writer stay on topic or get off track? Do they arrange their ideas logically? Do they make their writing easy to follow?

The quality of arguments

Do they get their main point across effectively? Can they formulate introductions and conclusions that fit the topic and purpose of the text? Are their arguments accurate, relevant, and complete?

Industry expertise

Do they understand tech deeply enough to write quality content about it? How much help do they need to prepare their writing for publication? Can they follow a brief, meet SEO writing requirements, and handle comments well?

What the process looks like

1. You send us a request and fill out a questionnaire.

2. We look at your writing samples to see what writers are good at and what needs improvement.

3. You receive a report with our detailed analysis of the writer’s skills and seniority.

4. We hop on a call to go over everything and answer any questions you have.

You can trust us

We've got tons of experience in writing talent evaluations since we've worked with more than 100 writers.
We have developed our own Writer Skills Matrix, which contains standard criteria for defining a person’s proficiency.
In the 5+ years we've been running Raccoon Writing, we've seen hundreds of writing portfolios and talked to dozens of applicants. We're pretty good at spotting "red flags" in their applications and figuring out if they have what it takes to deliver quality content.

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You deserve to have excellent content written in flawless English

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