Content quality audit


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Not sure if your written content is actually good?

We'll do a health check of the quality of your content. The results will give you a starting point for improving your texts and help you make informed decisions about your content writing team.

What we do

When you need a written content quality audit

  • Your content has never been evaluated by a writing professional
  • You wonder if your content writing team is doing a good job
  • You know something is wrong with your content but can’t put your finger on it
  • You want to make sure your content team is doing everything right

What we can audit for you

Articles & blog posts

Website & landing pages

Case studies

What the process looks like

1. You give us the content pieces you need to audit. Just the links and briefs to those pieces will do.

2. We carefully audit the pieces. Our expert looks into the audience, the arguments, the language, the CTA, etc.

3. We send you a detailed report. It contains a summary, recommendations, plus important details.

4. We have a call to clear everything out. So if you have questions after reading the report, we'll answer them gladly.

Benefits for you

  • You’ll know the actual quality level of your written content.
  • You’ll be able to improve the quality of your content based on our recommendations (or we can do it for you).
  • You’ll be able to make informed decisions about the writing process or the writing team.

What sets us apart


In six years, we’ve seen thousands of texts from hundreds of writers with different skills. And we know how to distinguish good content from a lousy piece.

Unique expertise

Our experts have more than a decade of experience writing and editing content for tech, so they spot gibberish and bullshit as soon as they see it.

Other services

We offer complementary services, like content updating and consulting. So if you decide to improve your content production, we're here to support you.

Contact us, and we’ll send you a sample of our content quality audit report!

Contact us