Raccoon Writing Turns 4!

We almost forgot about this year's birthday with all the deadlines, writers, clients, editors, meetings, and outlines. Fortunately, we still took the time to celebrate and even gathered some of our Raccoon writers from all over Ukraine in Lviv. For a fully freelance content writing agency with a distributed team, this was a big deal!

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Even though the year was tough for everyone, we managed to almost double the number of content pieces delivered to our clients. So we want to thank every writer who devoted their time and skills to Raccoon Writing and every client who entrusted their content to us. The results?

838 pieces delivered

52 clients served

5 managers 

13 writers

5 editors

1 translator

Another achievement we're particularly proud of is the Content Writer Competency Matrix, carefully devised by Ivanna Denys, our Head of Education.

The matrix evaluates hard skills (language, structure & flow, argument depth, expertise) and soft skills (communication, addressing comments, deadlines, feedback, professional development) to determine the seniority levels of content writers:

Using this matrix, we will be looking into the progress of our writers and planning individual growth roadmaps for each of them.

But even better than talking about our accomplishments, we'd like to share our plans for the near future:

  • Create a corporate library with all kinds of amazing books on content, writing, marketing, and business
  • Encourage our writers to grow professionally and, perhaps, take on leadership roles
  • Introduce a Raccoon Writing loyalty program

Wish us luck!

- Raccoon Writing Team

Raccoon Writing Team

Raccoon Writing Team


We write clear, concise and easy-to-read content on tech-related topics