Raccoon Writing Turns 3!

It might not be New Year yet, but it is for us at Raccoon Writing. On September 1st, 2017, Victoria partnered up with Kate in her cozy kitchen while their husbands were babysitting the kids. Three years ago, on this day, two women on maternity leaves decided they wanted to bring more quality content to the blogs and websites of the tech companies from Lviv, Ukraine.

Fast forward to 2020. Raccoon Writing is an agency with clients from various cites of Ukraine and abroad, big and small. We launched a new website (and it’s friggin awesome), started a blog we rarely post to but promise to write more, and were even acknowledged as a top B2B service provider in Ukraine by Clutch. How cool is that?

Raccoon Dance Party.gif

And though most of us are English philology majors, we still respect the power of numbers. This year, they’ve been more than satisfying:

407 pieces delivered

36 clients

15 writers

6 editors

1 translator

4 blog posts for our own blog (and counting!)

Thank you all for supporting us along the way, trusting us with your content, and lending us your writing talent. We couldn’t have accomplished this without you.

A big, hairy thank you.


- Raccoon Writing Team








(The wonderful image belongs to Anna Cote)

Raccoon Writing Team

Raccoon Writing Team


We write clear, concise and easy-to-read content on tech-related topics